Tuesday 7 August 2012

Reeta's Date Flan

Last week, my good friend send us her special "date flan", it is my favourite. I really wanted to have it but, gave it to my husband and son instead ( had a bite though...) for their tea time. They enjoyed it so much that they demanded for more the next day. So...., I asked  my friend if she will kindly share her recipe to us and put it on the blog. And here it is the recipe.... The base is crunchy and balance by the softness of the dates.....yes, it is great for tea time.

Pudding ini kesukaan anakku, rasanya manis dan crunchy pasti anak-anak lain juga menyukainya. Resep ini sangat mudah dibuat, silahkan mencoba....


200 gr oats
        Quaker's oats
60 gr plain flour
150 gr sugar
100 gr butter or margarine 
        Butter atau margarin
200gr dates , softened in hot water for 30 minutes
        Kurma, buang biji, rendam dengan air panas

Preparation / cara memasak

Cream together margarine/butter and sugar.
Kocok butter atau margarin dengan gula sampai halus

Mix in flour and oats by hand. Mixture should resemble crumbs. Keep aside one tablespoon.
Masukkan tepung dan oats, aduk dengan tangan sampai merata. Sisihkan satu sendok makan untuk taburan

Divide mixture in two, and press into two 7 inch cake tins or all the mixture into one 9 inch cake tin. I use individual mould, 4 inch ( it makes 7)

Bagi adonan menjadi dua jika menggunakan cetakan 7 inch, jika menggunakan cetakan 9 inch jadikan satu saja. Saya menggunakan cetakan kecil 4 inch ( menjadi 7).Tekan adonan ke dalam cetakan sampai padat.

Drain dates and fork into a mush. Spread on top of oat and flour base. Crumble remaining mixture on top of the dates.
Saring kurma, kemudian hancurkan dengan garpu sampai halus. 

Spread the date mush on the oat base and sprinkle some of the oats mixture on top.
Letakkan kurma diatas oats yang telah dicetak kemudian taburkan campuran oats

Bake in moderate oven, till golden brown, 20-30 minutes depend on the size of the cake tin or mould 
Masukkan ke dalam oven dengan api sedang, hingga berwarna keemasan atau sekitar 20-30 menit tergantung besar cetakan

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